Tuesday, 31 October 2017


During Cuffs, mise-en-scene does occurs quite regularly. At the very beginning of the episode when the head police officer is giving his speech to the knew people in the department, we can see his importance through the use of everyone who is looking at him looks interested (they have straight backs, giving eye contact) however if they did not look at him with importance we would get the impression that he doesn't mean anything to them and isn't treated well. We also know that the speech is important as they are all dressed in proper uniform and have white gloves on which wouldn't be worn unless something special is occurring. Finally, we can see it is located in the Police Head Quarters which signifies its importance once again.

Next, on the beach as the police officer walks towards the drunken stag due and the nudists, the stag due men are wearing a lot of props to show that they are drunk and not serious. They were all wearing matching viking hats which shows that to them they think they can rule the police officer and the nudists, they also all have matching football or rugby tops on which shows that they are very close with each other and come us one. Interestingly, they also have a human sized play doll which one again shows they are there for a bit of a laugh. The nudists cover up with there towels immediately when the officer arrives and the audience are almost waiting for the towel to drop which would be quite humorous.

Something to do with location is that when the police arrived at the troubled mans house, the first thing the audience see is alcoholic bottles all of the place, the room was dark too which shows he has no pride over it and doesn't care at all. 

1 comment:

  1. 4 and a half out of 5 marks
    Cut the opening sentence (as mise-en-scene is always there!) as there are no marks for generalities in this type of question. Some parts of your answer are good (eg. "we can see his importance through the use of everyone who is looking at him looks interested - they have straight backs, giving eye contact.")
    You need to describe the superintendent (clothes, posture, position on podium behind lectern)
    Expression: "wearing a lot of props" People don't wear props, they wear clothes, uniforms etc. Props is the media term.
    Good level of thoughtful analysis here (eg. "rugby tops on which shows that they are very close with each other and come us one")
