Wednesday, 4 October 2017

exam q1

The sound in the episode of cuffs is used in a way where if there is an action scene they would use very loud and fast music. Different types of music is used for different types of feelings and emotions so if there was tension it would be fast and most likely high pitched music but if it was a sad scene (when the man commits suicide on the pier the music is very slow and dramatic). In a scene were it is a wide zoomed clip of a beach or in the car for instance, just by adding some music that relates can really show the audience how to react to what is going on.

The use of sound effects is very effective too, in Cuffs they use gun sound effects when needed to make it more exaggerated and intense. When only we can hear a sound effect of sound it makes it effective because it was added on later when editing.

In Cuffs, the music and sound effects added has made it a lot more relatable and enjoyable for the audience to watch.

1 comment:

  1. Grade A- You are getting there: you identify several sound effects and you specify the scenes where they occur, explaining their effects. In the exam, you will gain most marks by writing very precisely and dealing with each example separately. The opening sentence needs to refer to a particular scene.
