Wednesday 6 February 2019


Analyse the representation of musicians in extract 1, which is from MOJO magazine:

The magazine cover uses monochrome colours and a simple colour palette as well as a pop of blue and red. This use of colour connotes seriousness and that the magazine deals with serious music artists. This is further supported through the use of Joni Mitchell being in monochrome which further suggests the importance of music.

MOJO usually has quite a masculine feel towards it and although this magazine still has a masculine colour scheme, a woman is represented. This shows that although MOJO is quite masculine dominated, woman are still seen as excellent musicians.

Next, the rock feel is further emphasised with the words said about other musicians. "Pete Shelley: a different type of punk" this shows that most musicians on the MOJO front cover are hard core men, with exceptions like Joni Mitchell for instant.

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