On this MOJO magazine cover, the main splash is covering the head line, 'MOJO', because it is such a popular and familiar magazine brand, everyone knows what it is called just from the font and a couple of the letters. Because the artist is covering the head line, it is clear to the audience that he is the main splash and is the most important thing on the magazine cover. Supporting the main splash, his name is in big bold writing next to him saying 'RAY DAVIES' this evidently shows that he is very important to the cover, and is the main topic.
Ray Davies is staring up into the distance and not towards the camera which creates him as a figure we should all look up too, it makes him seem sophisticated and a good role model. The colour scheme is black and white with the feature colour being yellow. Because the colours are so monochrome, the colour yellow stands out a lot. The puff is in yellow which makes the readers eye gravitate towards it which suggests there is something exclusive inside the magazine.The cover lines are pushed either side of the main splash. The ones on the left are all pushed towards the side making it look tidy and professional, the same is done on the right. On the right, the writing with the biggest font and size is in a triple deck, making it look smart. Notice how none of the writing is covering the main splash, this connotes that he is the most important and significant thing on the cover.