MOJO (the banner) is the most important part of the magazine cover, it reaches out to there audiences and it is very big so people see it instantly. Because MOJO is a very well known magazine, it doesn't matter if you can't see the whole banner. The MOJO Bowie magazine cover isn't very symmetrical, it has got more of a noisy look which includes loads of drop shadows on the writing. It is very easy to notice that Bowie is the main splash as his name is right in the middle and he is the main image. It uses the caption 'Bowie' right infront of the image of him so it's clear that its about him. The choice of colour is very obvious and clear, they have focused on just blues and whites with a few pops of colour (yellow)
It has a puff that tells us it has reviews inside, this is the only bright yellow item on there, so we see it instantly. This cover includes a running header just on top of the banner which gives us an insight on what it is about. It has many cover lines either side of the main splash. These are all pushed to the left or they are all pushed to the right, which makes it easy to follow. It seems that the more important people or articles is flush left. Apart from the main splash of Bowie, there is a close up photo of a man in the top right corner, Bowie is still clearly the main part of the cover but having a smaller picture of someone else adds to the business of the magazine.